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한국과학사학회지, 제46권 제1호 (2024), 203-233
대학교수들을 위한 연구 “왕국” 만들기: 물리학자 김호길의 연암공학원 및 포항공과대학 구상과 건학
by 이종식
첨부파일 '1' |
초록 | This article delves into the establishment of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), often referred to as the “Korean Caltech,” with a focus on theoretical physicist and educator Hogil Kim (1933-1994). During the 1980s, a period marked by a growing societal demand for universities to actively engage in scientific and technological research and development, Kim initiated the creation of the Yeonam Institute of Technology and later, POSTECH. These endeavors were sponsored by present-day LG and POSCO respectively. However, the realization of Kim’s vision for a Korean Caltech faced numerous challenges. Conflicts emerged with POSCO and its research unit, RIST, regarding the university’s research autonomy. In terms of what makes a university “world-class,” Kim’s vision lacked clarity beyond the pursuit of Nobel Prize recognition. Additionally, a nationalist perspective often eclipsed the international outlook. Nonetheless, the establishment of POSTECH represented a significant milestone, embodying a distinctive effort driven by scientists for scientists in the history of science and technology in modern Korea. |
주요어 | Hogil Kim, research university in South Korea, Yonam Institute of Technology, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), research and development in 1980s South Korea |
대학교수들을 위한 연구 “왕국” 만들기: 물리학자 김호길의 연암공학원 및 포항공과대학 구상과 건학
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- 제19권 (1997)
- 제18권 (1996)
- 제17권 (1995)
- 제16권 (1994)
- 제15권 (1993)
- 제14권 (1992)
- 제13권 (1991)
- 제12권 (1990)
- 제11권 (1989)
- 제10권 (1988)
- 제9권 (1987)
- 제8권 (1986)
- 제7권 (1985)
- 제6권 (1984)
- 제5권 (1983)
- 제4권 (1982)
- 제3권 (1981)
- 제2권 (1980)
- 제1권 (1979)
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