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한국과학사학회지, 제37권 제1호 (2015), 59-83

[연구논문] 메이지 일본의 대조선 외교와 군사 기술, 1876-1882 (Japan’s Military Assistance and Diplomacy to Joseon, 1876-1883)

by 김성근(KIM Sung-keun)
첨부파일 '1'
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초록 This article illustrates Japan’s military assistance and diplomacy to Joseon, 1876-1883. Although Meiji Japan’s gunboat diplomacy to Joseon was supported by strong military power, it was still a risky enterprise. Meiji Japan was able to arm itself by accepting large quantities of Western weaponry during the civil war. However, it did not attain the technological level to produce modern weapons or build a modern arms industry. Meiji Japan earnestly adopted Western military technology by employing foreign teachers. Simultaneously, they approached Joseon with a proposal to provide military assistance. However, the level of military technology in Meiji Japan was not high enough to assist Joseon’s military modernization. After Japan’s gunboat diplomacy to Joseon, Japanese politicians supplied Western weapons such as guns and a small steam ship to Joseon, which were utilized to achieve diplomatic advantage. This article shows how politicians in Meiji Japan realized their limits in military modernization, and tried to accomplish diplomatic goals by concealing their limit.
주요어 scientific imperialism, technology transfer, weapon, diplomacy, Japan, Joseon

김성근, "메이지 일본의 대조선 외교와 군사 기술", 『한국과학사학회지』 37권 1호 (2015), 59-83.

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