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제43권 제2호 Case Report on Flood Disasters in 20th-Century Korea: Focusing on the Dongjin-River and Imjin-River Basins file
CHUNG Seung-Jin, MATSUMOTO Takenori
2021 341-372
제43권 제2호 The Formation of Korean Satellite Development Program: The Case Study of SaTReC and SaTReC-I file
CHUNG Seungmi
2021 373-400
제43권 제2호 [Special Issue] Towards Environmental History of Modern East Asia file
LEE Jongmin
2021 401-404
제43권 제2호 [Special Issue] Moving Mountains: Industrial and Environmental Transformations in the Rise and Recession of “China’s Detroit” file
Victor SEOW, Hongyun LYU
2021 405-431
제43권 제2호 [Special Issue] Transnational Hazard: A History of Asbestos in South Korea, 1938-1993 file
KANG Yeonsil
2021 433-458
제43권 제2호 [Special Issue] Japan’s Poison Gas Legacy: Industrial Disease, Environmental Remediation, and the Challenge of Abandoned Chemical Weapons (ACW) in East Asia file
2021 459-482
제43권 제2호 [Special Issue] Engineers for Seoul: Sewage Treatment and the Professionalization of Sanitary Engineering in Korea file
LEE Jongmin
2021 483-504
제43권 제2호 [Book Review] Park Hyunhee, Soju: A global history. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 281 pp. file
Prajakti KALRA
2021 505-509
제43권 제2호 [Book Review] Kim Yung Sik 김영식, Han’guk Jeontong Gwahagui Baegyeong 한국 전통 과학의 배경 (The Background of the Traditional Korean Science). Paju: Dulnyouk, 2021. 379 pp. file
RO Sang-ho
2021 511-513
제43권 제2호 [Book Review] Jaipreet Virdi, Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. 328 pp. file
KANG Miryang
2021 515-517
제43권 제2호 [Book Review] Song Sungsoo 송성수, Han’gugui Saneophwawa Gisulbaljeon 한국의 산업화와 기술발전 (Industrialization and Technological Development in South Korea). Paju: Dulnyouk, 2021. 632 pp. file
YOO Sangwoon
2021 519-521
제43권 제2호 [Book Review] Park Yun-jae 박윤재, Han’guk Hyeondae Uiryosa 한국현대의료사 (The History of Modern Medicine in Korea). Paju: Dulnyouk, 2021. 344 pp. file
JUNG Junho
2021 523-525
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