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한국과학사학회지, 제40권 제2호 (),

Guidelines for Manuscripts Written in English

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The Korean Journal for the History of Science

Guidelines for Manuscripts Written in English








. Information for Contributors


1. The Korean Journal for the History of Science(the Journalhereafter) publishes works on history of science, technology, and medicine, including research papers, review articles, research notes, discussions, source reviews, book reviews, retrospectives, and conference or exhibition reports, etc.

2. The Journalis published on April 30 (Korean), August 31 (English), and December 31 (Korean) of every year.

3. The final draft of research papers to be published in the English issue should be submitted by May 31 (three months before the publication date).

4. Submission of a manuscript implies your assurance that the content has never been published in any form, and not under consideration of publication elsewhere.

5. Those who want to contribute to the Journalshould send an electronic file in MS word to the editorial office via email ( or on a CD via standard mail. The submitted manuscript is not returned to the author. 

6. Research papers may have a total manuscript length of no more than12,000 words (including footnotes). A 200-word abstract and 4-6 keywords must also be included in the submission as front matter.




. The Romanization of Terms in East Asian Languages


1. For the transcription of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese, the Journaladopts the following Romanization systems:

ŸKorean: New Romanization system by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Korea


ŸJapanese:Modified Hepburn system


2. For terms, proper nouns, and titles of materials in East Asian languages, use one of the following two rules.

(1)  English translation (Romanization & original characters)

Ex) Five Phases (wuxing五行), Four Books(Sishu四書), Royal Astronomy Bureau (Gwansanggam觀象監), Office of Atomic Energy (OAE, Wonjaryeok won원자력원)

(2)  Romanization & original characters (English translation)

Ex) Huangdi neijing黃帝內經(Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor), Shoushi li授時曆(Season-granting Calendrical System), Gwahak gisul yeon-gam과학기술연감(Year- book of Science and Technology)


3. Include the original Chinese characters, Japanese kana, and Korean Hangeul the first time they occur in the main text (or in the footnotes, if they occur only there), but omit later occurrences.

4. For certain proper nouns like names of contemporary authors, employ Romanization provided by the authors themselves.




. Footnotes


1. All references must be footnoted. Do not use a separate reference list.

2. All titles for materials follow the common rules provided below. Check the special rules for Korean and Chinese materials and translated materials. Please note that information on the city in which the publisher is located should also be provided. 

(1)  General Monographs

Ex 1) Jeon Sang-woon 전상운Han’guk gwahak gisul sa한국과학기술사(Science and Technology in Korea) (Seoul: Jeongeumsa, 1976).

Ex 2) G. E. R. Lloyd, Early Greek Science: Thales to Aristotle(New York: W. W. Norton, 1970).

(2)  Chapters in Monographs

Ex 1) Park Seong-rae 박성래, “Gaehwagi-ui gwahak suyong 개화기의 과학 수용(Korea’s Efforts to Learn Western Science in Late Nineteenth Century),” in Kim Yung Sik and Kim Geun Bae eds., Geunhyendae Han’guk sahoe-ui gwahak근현대 한국 사회의 과학(Science in Modern Korean Society) (Seoul: Changjak-gwa bipyeong sa, 1998), 15-39.

Ex 2) Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch, “A New Window on the Universe: The Non-detection of Gravitational Radiation,” in The Golem: What Everyone Should Know about Science(Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 91-107.

(3)  Articles in Periodicals

Ex 1) Park Seong-rae, “Daewongun sidae-ui gwahak gisul 대원군 시대의 과학기술(Science and Technology in the Daewongun Era),” Han’guk gwahaksa hakhoeji한국 과학사학회지(The Korean Journal for the History of Science) 2:1 (1980), 3-15.

Ex 2) Richard Westfall, “Science and Patronage: Galileo and the Telescope,” Isis76:1 (1985), 11-30.

(4)  Materials in Classical Chinese

Ex 1) Yi Ik 李瀷Seongho saseol星湖僿說(Miscellaneous Discussions of Seongho Yi Ik), gwon 2, “Cheonbyeon 天變(Heavenly Portents),” in Gugyeok seongho saseol國譯星湖僿說(Miscellaneous Discussions of Seongho Yi Ik, Translated into Modern Korean), 12 vols. (Seoul: Minjok munhwa chujinhoe, 1977-1984), Vol. 1, 35-36.

Ex 2) Seungjeongwon ilgi承政院日記(Diaries of the Royal Secretariat), the 12thday of the 7thlunar month, 11th year of King Injo’s 仁祖reign (1633).

3. When referring to the same material repeatedly, provide the full bibliographic information for the first footnote only. Use ibid. or op. cit. if there is no possibility of confusion. Or shortened bibliographic information (titles or any identifiable information) may be provided. Consistency should be maintained.

4. For edited volumes, add ed. or eds. at the end of author names.

5. For translated materials, provide the information on the translations. If necessary, information on the original texts can be put in parenthesis []. 

6. When referring to multiple articles, use semicolons (;) for separation. 

7. When quoting in footnotes, use double quotation marks for the quotation and also provide the reference information with pages.

8. For Internet sources, do as follows. 

(1)  In general, put the title of the website or the document in double quotation marks and provide the stable URL subsequently. Note the access date in parenthesis. 

(2)  If deemed necessary, provide the institution or site name for the homepage.

Ex) “ETRI Tops US Patent Evaluation for 3rd Year,” ETRI News (April 2, 2014), on April 5, 2015).

(3)  If the author and the publication date are clear, specify them. 




. Quotations


1. Translate all quotations if the original is not necessary for arguments. 

2. Use double quotation marks (“ ”) for quotations. 

3. Use single quotation marks (‘ ’) for the quotation within the quotation. 

4. Mark and note if you want to give an emphasis within quotations. 

5. All quotations must have detailed bibliographic information and pages. 


. Miscellaneous


1. Provide and number tables and illustrations separately. List captions consecutively and provide complete source information and credits. 

2. The author is responsible for acquiring permissions and extra publication expenses incurred by the reproduction of any copyrighted materials. 

3. Footnote with a star sign at the end of the paper title for acknowledgements or funding sources.

4. For all other unlisted items, follow the general custom of the Journal





Written : 1979. 7. 1

First Revision : 1999. 7. 1

Second Revision : 2006. 6. 1

                                                                          Third Revision : 2016. 8. 31

List of Articles
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2018 59-89
제40권 제1호 [비평논문] 한국의 기술 발전에 관한 연구사적 검토와 제언 (Studies on Technological Development in South Korea: A Review and Suggestion) file
송성수 (SONG Sungsoo)
2018 91-113
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2018 119-125
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2018 139-141
제40권 제1호 [특집: 고 전상운 전 회장(1932-2018) 추모] 전상운 선생님에 대한 추억 file
2018 143-148
제40권 제1호 [특집: 고 전상운 전 회장(1932-2018) 추모] 이제 어디 가서 길을 묻고, 가르침을 받을 것인가 file
2018 149-151
제40권 제1호 [특집: 고 전상운 전 회장(1932-2018) 추모] 전상운의 한국 과학사 초기 연구(1959-1974): 두 명의 스승과 한 명의 친구 file
2018 153-157
제40권 제1호 [특집: 고 전상운 전 회장(1932-2018) 추모] 한국 과학의 정체성을 찾아서 : 1960-1970년대 전상운 선생의 한국 과학기술사 서술 file
2018 159-173
제40권 제1호 [특집: 고 전상운 전 회장(1932-2018) 추모] 학술 여행 동반기: 전상운 회장을 추념하며 file
2018 175-200
제40권 제1호 [서평] 김연희, 『한국 근대과학 형성사 (한국의 과학과 문명 006)』 (들녘, 2016), 408쪽 file
미야가와 타쿠야
2018 201-204
제40권 제1호 학회소식, 회칙, 연구윤리, 논문상, 편집규정, 투고규정 file
2018 205-235
제40권 제2호 [Research Paper] Enlightenment Chemistry as an 'Experimental Science' file
Mi Gyung KIM
2018 237-264
제40권 제2호 [Special Issue] Science and Technology in Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines file
MOON Manyong
2018 265-274
제40권 제2호 [Special Issue] The Overseas Fellowship Program: A Technoscientific Scholarship Program in New Order Indonesia file
2018 275-304
제40권 제2호 [Special Issue] Hybrid Origins of a Modern Vietnamese Science and Technology System: An Introduction to Contemporary History of Science and Technology in Vietnam file
THAI Vinh and MOON Manyong
2018 305-326
제40권 제2호 [Special Issue] Promoting Science for the Modern Archipelago: Science in the Twentieth Century Philippines file
2018 327-344
제40권 제2호 [Book Review] Laura Micheletti Puaca, Searching for Scientific Womanpower: Technocratic Feminism and the Politics of National Security, 1940–1980. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014. 261 pp. file
LEEM So Yeon
2018 345-346
제40권 제2호 [Book Review] Hong, Sung-Joo and Wi-Chin Song 홍성주·송위진, Hyeondae hangugui gwahak gisul jeongchaek: Chugyeogui seonggong’gwa talchugyeok silheom 현대 한국의 과학기술정책: 추격의 성공과 탈추격 실험. Paju: Deulnyeok, 2017. 336 pp. file
KANG Yeonsil
2018 347-350
제40권 제2호 [Book Review] Moon, Joong-Yang 문중양, Joeson hugi gwahak sasangsa: Seogu ujuron-gwa Joseon cheonjigwan-ui mannam 조선 후기 과학 사상사: 서구 우주론과 조선 천지관의 만남. Paju: Deulnyeok, 2016. 432 pp. file
JEONG Myung-Hyun
2018 351-354
제40권 제2호 Guidelines for Manuscripts Written in English file
제40권 제3호 [연구논문] 해방 전후 수학 지식의 보급과 탈식민지 수학자의 역할: 최윤식(崔允植)과 이임학(李林學)의 사례를 중심으로 file
2018 359-388
제40권 제3호 [연구논문] 협상 테이블 위에 놓인 개발 계획서: 제2차 전원(電源) 개발 계획 수립 과정을 중심으로 file
2018 389-417
제40권 제3호 [기획] 북한 사회주의 체제 형성기의 보건 의료사, 1955-1961, 서문 file
김옥주, 정준호
2018 419-424
제40권 제3호 [기획] 붉은 보건 전사 만들기: 북한 보건 의료 부문의 사상 투쟁, 1956-1961 file
정준호, 김민규, 김옥주
2018 425-478
제40권 제3호 [기획] 북한 천리마 운동과 보건 의료 인력의 동원, 1956-1961 file
고요한, 김옥주, 정준호
2018 479-499
제40권 제3호 [기획] 사회주의적 생활 양식으로서의 위생: 1950년대 후반 북한에서의 위생 문화 사업을 통한 대중 개조 file
윤연하, 김옥주, 정준호
2018 501-525
제40권 제3호 [기획] 생태계의 사회주의적 개조: 북한의 폐흡충 박멸 사업, 1955-1961 file
곽희환, 김옥주, 정준호
2018 527-550
제40권 제3호 [연구노트] 『조선식물향명집』 "사정 요지"를 통해 본 식물명의 유래 file
조민제, 이웅, 최성호
2018 551-608
제40권 제3호 [서평] 전용훈, 『한국천문학사』 (들녘, 2017), 477쪽. file
2018 609-616
제40권 제3호 [서평] Grace Yen Shen, Unearthing the Nation: Modern Geology and Nationalism in Republican China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. 309 pp. file
2018 617-623
제40권 제3호 [서평] Sigrid Schmalzer, Red Revolution, Green Revolution, Scientific Farming in Socialist China. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016. 304 pp. file
2018 625-632
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