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분류 제목
제39권 제2호 [Research Paper] The Status of the Hwaseong seongyeok uigwe in the History of Architectural Knowledge: Documentation, Innovation, Tradition file
2017 257-291
제39권 제2호 [Research Paper] Making Postcolonial Connections: The Role of a Japanese Research Network in the Emergence of Human Genetics in South Korea, 1941-1968 file
HYUN Jaehwan
2017 293-324
제39권 제2호 [Translation] Science and Ideology: The Rise and Fall of the Bonghan Theory in North Korea in the 1960s file
KIM Geun Bae
2017 325-358
제39권 제2호 [Book Review] Piers J. Hale, Political Descent: Malthus, Mutualism, and the Politics of Evolution in Victorian England. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. file
JUNG Sunguk
2017 359-362
제39권 제2호 [Book Review] Kim Geun Bae 김근배, Han’guk gwahakgisul hyeokmyeongui gujo 한국 과학기술혁명의 구조 (The Structure of Scientific and Technological Revolution in Korea). Paju: Deulnyeok, 2016. file
HONG Sungook
2017 363-369
제39권 제2호 Shin Dongwon 신동원, Dongui bogam gwa Dongasia uihaksa 동의 보감과 동아시아 의학사 (Dongui bogam and the History of Medicine in East Asia: How a Compilation Led to a Universal Synthesis of Medical Knowledge). Paju: Deulnyeok, 2015. file
SUH Soyoung
2017 371-376
제39권 제2호 Guidelines for Manuscripts Written in English file
2017 377-380
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