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분류 제목
제38권 제2호 [Research Paper] “The Nearest Faraway Place”: South Korean Medical Outreach and Southeast Asia as Its Research Context, 1954-1973 file
John P. Dimoia
2016 303-319
제38권 제2호 [Research Paper] Governing, Financing, and Planning Cancer Virus Research: The Emergence of Organized Science at the U.S. National Cancer Institute in the 1950s and 1960s file
YI Doogab
2016 321-349
제38권 제2호 [Research Paper] What Did They Mean by “Calculation Principles”?: Revisiting Argumentative Styles in Late Ming to Mid-Qing Chinese Mathematics file
Su Jim-Hong and Ying Jia-Ming
2016 351-376
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