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한국과학사학회지, 제45권 제3호 (2023), 511-535
국립자연사박물관 설립 추진을 위한 여정: 과학관과 자연사박물관의 관계를 중심으로
by 신향숙, 문만
첨부파일 '1' |
초록 | In post-liberation South Korea, the role of natural history museums has been closely linked to the nature of the National Science Museum. However, natural scientists in Korea believed that natural history museums should also play a significant role in research, which led to disagreements with the Ministry of Science and Technology, which saw science museums primarily as public-facing institutions. As a result, scientists pushed for a natural history museum in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, but this was halted due to the 1997 financial crisis. In addition, a preliminary feasibility study in 2001 highlighted problems of low economic feasibility and overlap with existing institutions with similar functions. As a result, the National Museum of Natural History is yet to be established. The Korean National Science Museum is characterized as a comprehensive science museum that includes the functions of a natural history museum in addition to the functions of a science center that displays scientific artifacts and make scientific principles tangible, making it difficult to establish an independent natural history museum. Therefore, the rhetoric that South Korea is the only country without a natural history museum is no longer effective. It is now necessary to clearly define the identity of a natural history museum through historical analysis of previous attempts to establish one, and to explore new approaches to overcome existing obstacles. |
주요어 | National Museum of Natural History, National Science Museum, preliminary feasibility study, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Science and Technology |
국립자연사박물관 설립 추진을 위한 여정: 과학관과 자연사박물관의 관계를 중심으로
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