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분류 제목
제33권 제2호 [Research] Matteo Ricci’s World Maps in Late Joseon Dynasty file
LIM Jongtae
2011 277-296
제33권 제2호 [KJHS Forum] Rethinking the Technology Gap file
PARK Buhm Soon
2011 297-300
제33권 제2호 [KJHS Forum] Technology Gap, Research Institute, and Contract Research System: The Role of Government-funded Research Institute in Korea file
MOON Manyong
2011 301-316
제33권 제2호 [KJHS Forum] The Historical Development of Technological Capabilities in Korean Steel Industry: The Case of POSCO file
SONG Sungsoo
2011 317-334
제33권 제2호 [KJHS Forum] The "Kreaniztion" of Nuclear Power Technology: The case of a Joint Design file
KIM Byung-Koo
2011 335-347
제33권 제2호 [Retrospect and Prospect] Memoirs of the Early Days of the Korean History of Science Society file
JEON Sang-Woon
2011 349-358
제33권 제2호 [Retrospect and Prospect] My Kind of 'Bucket List' file
PARK Seong-Rae
2011 359-380
제33권 제2호 [Book Review] Andrew Pickering, The Cybernetic Brain: Sketches of Another Future file
KIM Hyomin
2011 381-386
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