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분류 제목
제42권 제2호 Between Engagement and Isolation: Population Genetics and Transnational Nationalism in South Korea file
HYUN Jaehwan
2020 357-380
제42권 제2호 [Special Issue] Basic Sciences: The Overlap Between State Policy and Scientific Practices file
MOON Manyong
2020 381-385
제42권 제2호 [Special Issue] Basic Research in China’s Scientific and Technological Development Plans, 1949-2020 file
LI Meng
2020 387-410
제42권 제2호 [Special Issue] The Development and Limits of Inter-University Research Institutes as a New Model for the Post-war Japanese Research System in the 1950s file
2020 411-429
제42권 제2호 [Special Issue] The Politics of Science in Korean Biology: From the DMZ Ecological Survey to the Nature Con-servation Movement file
MOOM Manyong
2020 431-447
제42권 제2호 [Special Issue] Talents First!: Wu Ta-you and Science Policy In-frastructures in the Republic of China (1927-1970) file
CHANG Kuo-Hui, Gary Lee DOWNEY , SHIH Bono Po-Jen
2020 449-473
제42권 제2호 [Book Review] Summoning a Forgotten Debate Over the Nature of Time file
KANG Hyeong-gu
2020 475-477
제42권 제2호 [Book Review] Kim Yeonghui, Kim Sujin, Yi Kkotme, Yi Sungu, and Ha Jeongok 김영희·김수진·이꽃메·이순구·하정옥, Hangugui Gwahak gisulgwa Yeoseong 한국의 과학기술과 여성 (Science, Technology, and Women in Korea). Paju: Deullyeok, 2019. 551 pp. file
SHIN Miyoung
2020 479-482
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