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분류 제목
제35권 제2호 [Research] Setting Patterns: The Atypical Choices That Shaped the Career of Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet in Twentieth-Century Australia file
2013 343-364
제35권 제2호 [Research] “A Magnificent Chain of Biological Stations”: American Marine Biological Stations and the Beginnings of Marine Science in the United States file
HAN Ki Won
2013 365-388
제35권 제2호 [Perspective] Beyond Scientism: Coming of the Ethics of Science file
SONG Sang-yong
2013 389-398
제35권 제2호 [Review Essay] The Purpose of Policy: Political Interests and Depoliticized Solutions in International Development file
KIM Kyuri
2013 399-403
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